I am working on a sex ed book from an asexual perspective.  It aims to be a practical guide for ace spectrum people who are interested in exploring sexuality.  It will be an extension of what’s been going on here at Asexual Activities for a few years now, so similar content, similar style.  It’s going to be for an adult audience.  It will skip most of the “Puberty and Reproductive System” kind of sex ed, and focus more on the “What is X?  How do I X?  What is X like and why should/shouldn’t I do X?”

A lot of sex ed resources fail ace people because they make a lot of assumptions that don’t always work for us and skip a lot of things that we may need to have explained.  At the same time, I believe that these resources are failing non-ace people for the same reasons.  Even though this book will be made for aces, I’m hoping it can be helpful to others, as well.

Here’s where your help comes in: Over the next while, I’m going to be asking some questions to gather a wide variety of thoughts and opinions that I can use to fill in the book beyond just the factual mechanics of it all.  I’m also hoping to use this as a way for all of you to shape this book into what you need, by pointing out things that I may have overlooked or may be misrepresenting. If you don’t want to reblog or reply your answer, please feel free to use an anonymous ask! It would also be a help if you reblogged some of the posts or told people about the project, to boost its reach.

Some key tenets I have in mind that I’ll try to follow when writing this book:

  • Some do, some don’t.
  • Not everyone likes X.
  • Leave room for differences.
  • Be affirming of asexuality.
  • Don’t assume common knowledge, start from the basics and build.
  • There is no One True Way/Experience™.  There’s no hierarchy of sex acts, no universal holy pinnacle of what sex is or should be.
  • Ask. Listen.
  • Be better than other books.  It won’t be perfect, but strive for “Good Enough”.

Intended Areas of Focus:

  • Relevant Anatomy
  • Arousal
  • Orgasm
  • Masturbation
  • Partnered Activities
  • Kink
  • Some Health Related Things

And now, here are the questions!

Check back regularly, as more may get added from time to time!